A Meaningful Gift


Honor a friend or family member with a gift of caring and compassion.

Your support will help local restaurants stay in business while providing healthy, comforting meals for our most vulnerable neighbors in need.

It’s easy!

Step 1 - Email your details to info@cookingforcommunity.org. Please include:

  • “in honor of” name and “from” name you would like on the certificate

  • the dollar amount of your donation

  • email address where you would like the personalized certificate sent. (can be emailed to you for forwarding or printing, or it can be emailed to your honoree directly.)

Step 2 – Now make your donation HERE by credit card or check.

Cooking for Community is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. As an all-volunteer organization, all donations go directly to support our critical work.



New to Cooking for Community? Check out our 90-second overview here and other great information on our website to learn more.